Frequently Asked Questions


What should I expect in the first appointment? (Child/Adolescent)

This depends on the age/maturity of the child. In younger children, the initial hour is spent predominantly with parents obtaining a history for the child and the family. It is also used to observe and note both physical and mental health factors. Questions may include: 

  • What is the reason your child is being seen today?
  • What issues and/or behaviors are observed at home/school/the community? 
  • What is the child's mental health, medical, and developmental history? 
  • Is there a history of substance abuse, physical abuse, or current legal issues that might affect the child?
  • If known, what is the family's medical, mental health and substance use history?

After the initial parent session, Dr. Wind spends a period of time to get to know the child personally, and assess their behaviors. In the second assessment appointment, Dr. Wind will spend more time with the child, as well as the parents. If available, he will review any reports of psychological or psychoeducational testing.


What should I expect in the first appointment? (Adult)

In assisting adult patients, Dr. Wind's goal is to assess current problems. Dr. Wind will ask questions regarding medical and physical history of the current condition. Questions may include: 

  • What is the reason you wish to be seen today?
  • Is there any prior mental health history and treatment? 
  • What is your family's physical and mental health history? 
  • Is there a history of substance abuse within the family or in your own personal history? 

The aim is to ascertain an initial working diagnosis with a goal for current and future treatment. He may make initial treatment recommendations on the first visit, or determine with the patient that further exploration of alternative treatments is necessary to provide the patient with the best integrative individualized care.


What can I expect in subsequent appointments?

In subsequent appointments, Dr. Wind will continue to review current problems and strategies. If medication is involved, he will monitor its effects with the patient, and make necessary adjustments. Because of the individual nature of each patient's problems, treatment is geared to the needs of the patient being served.


How do I schedule appointments?

All appointments are scheduled through Karen, our psychiatric assistant. Please contact our office at 610-891-7705 to set an appointment. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message with your request and we will respond promptly.


What is "genetic testing"?

Genetic testing is a simply procedure done in the doctor's office. It uses a swab from the inside of the mouth to obtain a sample of your DNA, which is sent out to a lab for study. The results help to guide in selecting the most appropriate medication(s) and often provide a clear reason for previous medication failures. Many insurance companies, including Medicare and Medicaid, will reimburse for part or all of this test.


What is the difference between a "D.O." and an "M.D."?

An M.D. and a D.O. receive very similar education and training, but a D.O. receives an additional 200 hours of specialized hands-on training in the performance of osteopathic diagnostic techniques and manipulative medicine. An Osteopath is trained to treat the "whole person," not just the disease, injury or illness. A D.O. connects on a personal level with a more compassionate approach, providing patient-centered care.

DOs receive special training in the musculoskeletal system, your body’s interconnected system of nerves, muscles and bones. Combining this knowledge with the latest advances in medical technology, they offer patients the most comprehensive care available in medicine today. By tuning into a patient's lifestyle and wellbeing, they are able to help their patients be truly healthy in mind, body and spirit - not just free of symptoms.


Why don't we accept insurance?

While we do not directly take insurance, we are happy to provide you with a receipt which you can submit to your insurance company. We've made the decision to not accept insurance because of the limitations insurance companies place on the doctor/patient interaction. Because we always strive to bring the utmost in individual integrative psychiatric care, doing so often requires more time than insurance companies allow.